The Libertine in Bed

Ooh…Sex on a stick
December 11, 2007, 3:49 pm
Filed under: Musings | Tags: ,

You know those meat on sticks like kebabs, are often considered to be a quick fix for a growling tummy. Same goes for sex on sticks. A quickie that doesn’t need much effort or energy, just enough to keep you sane until the next serving.

At the moment I’ve been getting those stick things, just because I’m a bit horny but a bit too tired to put in too much effort. Thankfully the maker of such sticks seems generous with the idea, if not this Libertine would have just remain placid in bed.

I guess not all sex has to be a full blown seduction with hours or banging, humping and grinding. Sometimes a quickie does the job too. Earlier I was thinking that, perhaps Guy won’t be too happy about it (it’s been going on for about a month) but he seems like a happy bunny.

Really, I want a full course dinner but sometimes the real catches up and you feel like a bag of lumpy mash potatoes, so unsexy. Anyway mash potatoes is comfort food.